I felt like channeling my inner child busting out the tie dye and denim shirts. It was a casual night where I went to watch Pacific Rim (WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND). It wasn't as hot out as it has been so I wanted to throw over a light denim shirt for being in the theatre.

I love this shirt I got a few months ago on Urban Outfitters. First its a light tie dye color which reminds me of my childhood attempts to tie dye my own shirts. Second, it has the zodiac symbols on it portrayed in a circular chart.

I threw on my old turquoise sneakers from Forever 21 and had my anklet from Jewelmint.com just hanging around. I wore this with my ever so comfy J.Crew pixie pants and I was ready to go for a 2hour + movie. I think when watching a movie, you should dress comfortably, especially if its going to be a longer one.

Levi's denim shirt (thrifted)
Urban Outfitters Zodiac Tie Die shirt
Forever 21 shoes
Jewelmint sneakers
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