Not to be the same as everyone else in the beauty community, but, it's that time again to share for some favorites that I have been loving this past month.
I don't usually do these favorites every month but I found myself gravitating and trying some new (and old) things this past month that I loved and wanted to share!

2) Sample Packets - I know most people hate these when they come in the mail with your sample boxes or beauty purchases from Ulta/Sephora, etc. but I personally love them, especially when they come in an assortment of things! These sample packets saved me when it came crunch tme to my friend's wedding and I wanted my face and hair on point. I had saved a few of the Glam Glow masks sample packs which instantly deep cleaned my skin. I had a few sample packets also of some facial serums and creams I've already tried before but didn't have a full size of that I knew my skin really liked so I used those skin boosting items for the 2nd half on the month as well. Plus, I had a few deep conditioning hair masks in sample pack form and they were perfect for the days leading up to the wedding. I tend to save most of teh sample packets since they're great for travelling with and you never know when you may find a new favorite product!
3) Vita Libterata pHenomenal 2-3 WeekTan Mousse - A Lifesaver! I started half of the month pretty pale and needed some color on my skin in time for my friend's wedding at the end of the month. I remembered I had bought a smaller bottle of this and used it only twice so decided to use it up just for the wedding. This stuff applies easily with the mitt and leaves a natural color. You do need to work a bit fast with this product since it can dry quick and leave a darker stain if not blended but other than that, if you work in small sections and take your time to blend everything in, you will have a nice colored tan instantly!
4) Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser - For some reason, I found myself using this a lot on my face, even if I didn't wear any concealer over it. As the weather grew hotter, I found myself applying it to my t-zone and any shiny areas to help smooth and even everything out. Plus when I do wear makeup, I like how this works underneath it.
5) Elizabeth & James Nirvana White - This scent just screams summer and this mini rollerball in general just came in handy last month, especially for my friend's wedding (again). It was small enough to pack with my already over packed beauty bag and came in handy for the other bridesmaids to use.
6) White Blocked Sandals (similar HERE) - Love these so much and how they go with almost anything, plus they were very affordable and from F21. only downside is that they did hurt a bit so you definitely need to break them in!
7) Dove Invigorating Dry Shampoo - After trying out a few dry shampoos the past few months, I finally tried this Dove one when my mini Psssst one went out. A) I love this one so much especially the smell! It smells like fruity candy! and B) It works really well with my now shorter hair and I have been using it almost every other day this past month.
7) Last but not least is this 'LIPSTICK ADDICT" makeup bag from Forever21 (similar HERE). Not only does the wording speak to me, but the main thing is that this is big enough to fit all above (minus shoes, durr) even that dry shampoo!
Readers, have you tried any of these products before? What were your favorites last month?
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