Hello! First off, I can't believe it's already October - time has flown by but I'm low-key loving the crisp weather and the leaves slowly turning into yellows and deep reds (but not the rain, ha ha). I wanted to take the time to just give you all a quick update; I have a lot on my mind that I'd love to share and technically had planned, but my posts both on my blog and even Instagram have been not as frequent or consistent as I'd like them to be. Mainly, there's been a lot of updates since the end of August that have been consuming my life and time!
I went through the whole grueling process of looking for a new job, interviewing, quitting, and everything else that comes with that part of life. I feel like I've learned a lot during this process and might even share a more career focused post just on this topic. I have to thank my friends for their guidance and support through this whole process (especially of my b*tching and complaining, haha). And oh yeah, I got the job I wanted which is one of the better feelings in life! Thank you again, Mylan! This by far consumed the most of my time and even creative thinking. On top of trying to somewhat keep posting on IG, working and training at the studio, making time for friends and family, the most I was really able to do was just share on my IG Stories and didn't have time to really sit down and write for my blog as I had initially planned during summer.
I had time off between jobs, but honestly, it was nice to not really do much "work" including my blogging and it was nice to take a break from some social media aspects of it too. I got a few posts here and there, but nothing more. I wanted to edit more videos and create my blog posts, but my mind wasn't in the right place - it just needed a mental break!
Now that I started my new job, I'll have a better grasp of my schedule and managing my time and I'm more than ready to create some awesome content for you guys. I already have a few fashion posts (I'll be sharing the look above too!) in the works and will be sharing more of my favorite foodie destinations in Seattle. Stay tuned!
Thank you for taking the time to read this! If you have any suggestions or topics you'd like me to cover, please let me know! In the meantime, look out for new content in the next coming weeks!
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